Savoring Summer

We are having an absolutely incredible summer in the Pacific Northwest this year, unusually sunny and dry. I usually say our summer here in the upper northwest corner of Washington State is from August through September, but this year July has been sunny and warm,...

Looking for Home

In my books, my characters are often trying to find the place where they feel they belong. Aren’t we all? A few people are lucky enough to start off in the perfect location with the perfect family and community; they feel like that’s where they belong from...

How Do You Find Books?

First of all, let me state that I am a voracious reader as well as an author.  I have never counted, but I probably read at least 200 books per year. When you’re looking for a good book to read, where do you go to search? I’d really like to know. I have...

The Next Big Thing

One of my favorite authors and cyber-buddies, Jessica Speart, tagged me to participate in this online ‘blog-hop’ or ‘blog-tour’. I’ve never done this before, but I gather I’m supposed to grab the torch, answer ten questions, and pass it off to other...